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I am acutely aware, from a long career in catering, and in particular from many years working with schools, that key personnel often view catering as a “dark art” and, as a consequence, the service may not be paid the attention it deserves.

After staff expenditure the catering budget is the next largest cost in most schools’ budgets. Small changes in procurement, service, quality and value (not just price) can lead to significant increases in income and reductions in expenditure.
In many schools the financial and social opportunities of an improved food service remain untapped.

vegetables on a table

At School Food Solutions I can help you to realise these opportunities by:

- Listening to your requirements
- Having a realistic dialogue about what we can improve
- Applying “hands on” expertise
- Working together as partners

Everything we do will strive to improve the service your school can offer to:

- Your pupils
- Your catering staff
- Your teaching and support staff
- Your school Governors